Local business supporters

How you can help
To secure the future of the pub and carry out essential repairs we need to reach our fundraising target of £650,000. We are now over 70% of the way there (assuming our Community Ownership Grant is approved) but East Harptree is a small village of only c.300 houses and so the support of local community-minded businesses is crucial to saving the Waldy. You can pledge your support by an investment in shares, a direct donation or by offering free services.

Invest in shares
You can buy shares as a business for a target return of 3%. As a member of East Harptree Community Benefit Society you will also receive a vote.

Make a donation
We welcome donations from local businesses to help us reach our target.

Offer free services
If we are successful in our bid, we will be looking to carry out essential works to the pub. If you can offer your time, skills or expertise in legal, building, repairs or any similar services, we'd love to hear from you.